Lesson 10: API Gateways and Managers



Welcome to lesson ten! This week you will continue to work on your final project by writing API contracts.

Topics for this lesson:

  • API Gateway Practice
  • Final Project Contracts
Have Feedback?

  Learning Material

Resources for this lesson are accessible to you in this repository

The following learning material may be helpful but is not required. Please reference the syllabus for more details.

This is an example that would walk you through setting up an API manager through Microsoft Azure.

  Team Assignment


Purpose: Design an API and create accessible API documentation
Task: Complete the assignment

Learning Objectives

By the end of this assignment the student will be able to do the following:

Assignment Description

Final Project Contracts

swagger documentation


Project Creation

(Graded via YouTube)
45%Meets Proficient criteria and has documentation in place ("/api-docs" or Apollo Server for GraphQL)Meets Developing criteria and is deployed to RenderMeets Beginning criteria and project runs without errorsNode project has been createdGitHub, Render or YouTube links not submitted

(Graded via YouTube)
45%Meets Proficient criteria and the documentation can test at least one endpoint successfully (Should show in video)Meets Developing criteria and documentation has endpoints for each API Endpoint planned in the Lesson 9 Proposal (API Endpoint Planning section)Meets Beginning criteria and documentation is organized by collection typeDeployed link submitted - Render link submitted with "/api-docs" in the url (or Apollo link for GraphQL). Video uses this deployed link for all demonstrationsRender link or YouTube link not submitted
Team Ranking

(Graded via I-learn)
10%Meets Proficient criteria and includes additional comments about how the team worked togetherMeets Developing criteria and includes list of team members in order of work load this lessonMeets Beginning criteria and includes spread (high, medium, low)Submitted rankingNo ranking submitted